The Smart Agriculture models allow to monitor multiple environmental parameters involving a wide range of applications. It has been provided with sensors for air and soil temperature and humidity, solar visible radiation, wind speed and direction, rainfall, atmospheric pressure, etc. Sectors of agriculture such as Vineyards, cocoa, tobacco, strawberries, bananas, kiwis, olives, baby leaves, corn etc also have been monitored by Libelium’s Smart Agriculture IoT Platform. Improving agricultural productivity requires investment in smart IoT technologies with more accurate sensors. This allows agriculture producers to obtain data for better controlling crop growth, preventing losses caused by adverse weather conditions or infectious pests.

The enhanced Plug & Sense! Smart Agriculture device includes top market performance sensors for the most exigent field applications such as vineyards, fruit orchards and greenhouse cultivations, among others. It features 19 sensors from the most prestigious and reliable manufacturers of agricultural technology such as Apogee, Decagon, Ecomatik and Gill Instruments.
This integration enables the measuring of different parameters involving a wide range of applications.

The Plug & Sense! Smart Agriculture sensor includes a more reliable weather station to measure the wind and precipitations via optical technology. It also features a complete set of light and radiation sensors such as ultraviolet radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and shortwave radiation.The soil morphology and the presence of fertilizers can be analyzed by measuring electrical conductivity, volumetric water content, soil water potentials and oxygen levels.To prevent frost, the device allows customers to connect a special sensor to measure non-contact plants and fruits surface temperature. And for daily growth monitoring, there are a set of dendrometers to control the growing of the trunk, the stem and the fruit of the plant.

Some of the Smart Agriculture sensor applications are :
Some of the Smart Agriculture sensor applications are :

Connectivity – Compatible with any cloud platform!
With the Smart Agriculture PRO, you have easy access of the data, providing production and management indicators to the users. The nodes, placed on site, communicate with the gateway via 4G, which sends the information to the cloud through 4G as well.
The Plug & Sense! encapsulated line offers to users:
More information about Plug & Sense – Smart Agriculture by Libelium is available here.